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Su-Nui Escobar, Registered Dietitian, Explains Popular Diet Trends of 2015
Written on in Nutrition and Wellness, Patient Education.

No-added Sugar Diet Headlines read “Sugar: as addictive as cocaine” and well-known physicians are advising their patients to avoid added sugars in their diet. Should you follow this diet trend? Let’s get few facts straight first.

What is it?

A non-added sugar diet means avoiding refined sugars, sweetened beverages, processed foods containing sugar and foods ...


Su-Nui Escobar, dietista registrada, explica las tendencias dietéticas en el 2015
Written on in Nutrition and Wellness, Patient Education.

Dieta sin azúcares agregados En los titulares se lee "Azúcar: tan adictiva como la cocaína". Los más reconocidos médicos aconsejan a sus pacientes que eviten alimentos con azúcares agregados en su dieta. ¿Se debe seguir esta tendencia de la dieta? Primero, atengámonos estrictamente a los hechos.

¿Qué es?

Una dieta sin azúcares agregados significa evitar ...


CBS TV Network informative video about the health care reform
Written on in News, Patient Education.

How does the Affordable Care Act affect the insured?

How to receive high quality health care?

What does the Affordable Care Act mean for patients with pre-existing conditions?

How does Affordable Care Act impact preventive services like wellness exams and vaccinations?

These are some of the questions answered in this informative video from CBS TV ...