Category archives: Patient Education

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Dolor de pecho – ¿Cuándo llamar al 911?
Written on in Cardiovascular, Patient Education.

elderly woman with hand on her chest

Si usted tiene dolor en el pecho que es fuerte u opresivo, acompañado de sudoración, dificultad para respirar, náuseas o vómitos, mareos, pulso rápido o irregular e incapacidad para estar de pie o caminar – LLAME 911 – USTED PODRÍA ESTARSUFRIENDO UN ATAQUE AL CORAZÓN.

Chest Pain — When to call 911
Written on in Cardiovascular, Patient Education.

elderly woman with hand on her chest

If you experience chest pain that is crushing or squeezing, accompanied by sweating, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, fast or irregular pulse, or the inability to stand or walk—CALL 911—YOU COULD BE HAVING A HEART ATTACK.

Conocer los signos de un derrame cerebral puede salvar su vida o la de un ser querido.
Written on in Neuroscience, Patient Education.

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Parálisis facial o dificultad para mover una parte o un lado de la cara. - Debilidad en el brazo o incapacidad de levantarlo completamente. - Dificultad para hablar o para entender a otros cuando están hablando. Si usted o su ser querido presenta cualquiera de estos síntomas, llame al 911 o vaya de inmediato a la ...


Larkin Launches New Healthy Living Blog
Written on in Nutrition and Wellness, Patient Education.


Larkin Community Hospital would like to introduce our new nutrition and wellness blog, Healthy Living by Larkin. We believe good nutrition, exercise, and relaxation should go along with physicians' advice for everyone to enjoy good health and quality of life. In this blog you will find nutrition information, recipes, exercises to follow, and articles from ...