Archives 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Jonathan Coffman, PhD, in recognition for his research "Ion torrent sequencing detected changes in gut microbiota from omega-3-rich diet" in ICAAC 2014 Conference
Written on in Awards and Certifications, Event, Scientific Seminar.


Congratulations to Dr. Jonathan Coffman, PhD, in recognition for his research "Ion torrent sequencing detected changes in gut microbiota from omega-3-rich diet" in ICAAC 2014 - Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

ICAAC, the premier conference on antimicrobial agents and infectious diseases, showcases the latest-breaking science and lectures from top researchers from around the ...


El Dr. Juan D. Oms Director del Programa de Residencia en Psiquiatría de Larkin fue entrevistado en dos reportajes para la cadena de televisión Univisión.
Written on in News, Psychiatry, Residency Programs.

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Este primer reportaje en el que Dr. Oms es presentado fue grabado para Noticiero Univisión y trata sobre la bipolaridad.

Haga clic aquí para ver el video.

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El. segundo reportaje fue grabado para Despierta América y trata sobre el impacto de los “selfies” y las redes sociales en la cirugía plástica.

Haga clic aquí para ...


World Famous Endodontist and Instrument Design Expert Dr. William Ben Johnson Lectures at LCH
Written on in Dentistry, Event, Medical Education.

On August 29th, 2014 world famous Endodontist and Instrument Design expert Dr. William Ben Johnson gave a lecture and hands on course to our AEGD dental residents, who were able to interact one on one with Dr. Johnson and take part of a hands on course featuring the newest endodontic instruments.

Dr. Johnson received his ...


Mercedes Perez Promoted to VP of Patient Care Services and CNO
Written on in News, Nursing.

Mercedes Perez

Larkin Community Hospital is happy to announce the appointment of Mercedes Perez De Salazar, DNP, MBA, MSN, RN, NE-BC, Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer. Ms. Perez has served as Patient Care Manager for Baptist Hospital of Miami from 2006 to 2012, and then as the Dean of the School of ...


Our own Dr. Sophia Deben at the Center for Advanced Orthopedics at Larkin has published an article in The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery.
Written on in News, Orthopedics, Surgery.

Larkin Community Hospital is very proud to congratulate Dr. Sophia Deben for the great accomplishment of publishing an article in the journal of the world's largest medical association of musculoskeletal specialists, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery.

To read the abstract, click here.

Dra. Deben

College of Pharmacy Assistant/Associate Dean Opportunities
Written on in Career Opportunity, Larkin University College of Pharmacy, Graduate Medical Education, News.

Larkin College of Pharmacy - Assistant/Associate Deans

  1. Academic Affairs and Assessment
  2. Admissions and Student Affairs
  3. Experiential Affairs

Larkin Community Hospital (LCH)http://larkinhospital.comis one of 12 designated Statutory Teaching Hospitals in Florida and the largest teaching hospital for Osteopathic physicians in the United States, offering the largest number of AOA Accredited training programs (32 at ...


The Larkin College of Pharmacy is recruiting two Department Chairs
Written on in Career Opportunity, Larkin University College of Pharmacy, News.

Larkin College of Pharmacy - Department Chairs

Larkin Community Hospital (LCH) is one of 12 designated Statutory Teaching Hospitals in Florida and the largest teaching hospital for Osteopathic physicians in the United States, offering the largest number of AOA Accredited training programs (32 at present): Larkin takes pride in the continuing tradition of ...


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