Tag archives: dr.-jonathan-coffman

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Congratulations to Dr. Jonathan Coffman, PhD, in recognition for his research "Ion torrent sequencing detected changes in gut microbiota from omega-3-rich diet" in ICAAC 2014 Conference
Written on in Awards and Certifications, Event, Scientific Seminar.


Congratulations to Dr. Jonathan Coffman, PhD, in recognition for his research "Ion torrent sequencing detected changes in gut microbiota from omega-3-rich diet" in ICAAC 2014 - Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

ICAAC, the premier conference on antimicrobial agents and infectious diseases, showcases the latest-breaking science and lectures from top researchers from around the ...


Dr. Jonathan Coffman to present at the 114th General Meeting for the American Society for Microbiology
Written on in Event, Health Sciences.


Larkin Community Hospital Congratulates Dr. Jonathan Coffman on his invitation to present at the 114th General Meeting for the American Society for Microbiology with his research in "Ion Torrent Sequencing of 16S rDNA Revealed the Eubacterial Diversity of Feces from Four Wild Duck Species: Anas strepera, Aythya americana, Anas carolinensisandBucephela albeola and its Implication to ...