Accident Injury

Everything You Need To Know About Accident Injury


What is Accident Injury?

Accidents are unexpected events that occur suddenly. The associated injuries can lead to potential loss and harm to the individuals and family. These injuries may even lead to permanent disability for people worldwide. Appropriate safety precautions and timely treatment by an experienced health professional can help the individual heal fully.

Stages and Types of Accident Injury

Bone Fractures: The injury is a broken bone. A fracture is usually a result of traumas such as sports injuries, road accidents, or falls. Certain medical conditions and repetitive forces may increase the risk of fractures.

Sprains: A sprain is characterized by a stretching or tearing of ligaments (mainly in the ankle). Initial treatment for this injury includes 'RICE' - rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Milder types of sprains can be treated successfully at home. The severe condition may require surgery to repair torn ligaments.

Sports Injuries: These injuries are common among individuals who love to play sports or play professionally. The injury may affect muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, and other body structures. Minor injuries can be treated with RICE at home. Over-the-counter pain medications may improve pain. Severe sports injuries require physical therapy, immobilization,
and surgery.

Causes of Accident Injury

Overexertion: It can happen during the holding, lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying, or throwing of objects.

Falls: Injuries from same-level falls may occur anywhere at a workplace. Some main causes include wet floors, loose wires, and others that lead to trips or slips. Falling from a height can cause significant injuries and even death.

Struck by Object/Equipment: This is one of the leading causes of death, especially in the construction industry. Offices must take proper measures to protect their employees from accidents.

Exertions: Repeatedly engaging in strenuous effort or excessive physical motion can result in accidents and injuries.

Roadway Incidents: Injuries from accidents due to motorized land vehicles may be serious and even lead to death.

Slip or Trip: Lack of traction between a shoe and the walking surface can lead to serious accidents.

Getting Caught in or Compressed: These accidents are most common in workplaces. Sometimes, an employee may damage a body part that gets crushed or caught by an object or equipment.

Risk Factors of Accident Injury

Accident injuries may lead to significant economic losses and emotional damage to individuals and their families. The losses arise mainly from the expenses arising from treatment and a break from work due to injuries and health conditions. Here are some of the common risk factors of accident injuries:

Socioeconomic Status: Studies have revealed that over 90% of road traffic deaths occur in low-to-middle-income nations. Death rates are highest in the African region.

Age: This is one of the major risk factors for road traffic injuries. Children and younger adults aged between 5 and 29 years.

Gender: Males are more likely to be involved in road accidents than females. Studies have revealed that around 73% of road traffic deaths occur among young males, primarily under the age of 25 years.

Speeding: An increase in average speed increases the likelihood of a crash and the severity of the consequences of the crash.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI): An accident injury can be severe and even fatal if one drives under the influence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances.

Not Using Safety Standards: Not wearing seatbelts and helmets can reduce the risk of fatal injuries by a significant amount.

Distracted Driving: The use of cellular phones causes the main distraction during driving. Using mobile phones while driving can make one four times more likely to be involved in a crash.

Unsafe Vehicles: Vehicles deemed as safe can effectively avert crashes and reduce the chances of serious injury. Hence, it is essential to check if the vehicle manufacturers have followed regulations related to front and side impact. The vehicle you buy should have electronic stability control (to prevent over-steering), airbags and seatbelts fitted.

Poor Post-Crash Care: In many cases, delays in diagnosing and providing requisite care for those involved in a road traffic crash are responsible for the severity of injuries. Care for injuries and damage is time-sensitive. Hence, even delays of minutes can be fatal. Timely pre-hospital care and post-hospital care can save a life.

Preventing Accident Injury: Although accidents and injuries resulting from these unfortunate incidents are inevitable, much can be done to make one less prone to severe injuries. It is possible to strengthen one's body and take some precautions to make an accident injury less severe. Here is what you can do:

  • Avoid an Accident: The most important thing to do to prevent an accident injury is to avoid an accident in the first place. Driving should start only after attaining complete training from an expert. Wearing a safety belt, a helmet, avoiding drinking and drug before driving, restring night driving, not using cell phones while driving, and driving a safe vehicle are some precautions to avoid an accident.
  • Strengthen Yourself: Keep yourself in good health. Work out daily and maintain weight to avoid complications during an accident.
  • Follow a Good Diet: A good diet will help boost your immunity. It is crucial to avoid complications related to health after an accident.

Frequently Asked Questions

The law states that all accidents must be reported to the police. The presence of police can be helpful after a crash. They will arrive at the accident scene and record crucial information for insurance, and a police report called a "Driver's Exchange of Information."

The head, foot, neck, ankle, back and spine, wrist and hand, and knee are the most frequently injured areas of the body in an accident.

Car accidents may result in a wide variety of injuries. The most common injuries are migraines, whiplash, neck and back pain, soft tissue injuries, lacerations, bruised ribs, and broken bones.

Yes. All injuries do not cause pain, discomfort, or other symptoms immediately. Some may take time due to adrenaline which kicks in when someone meets an accident and turns off their pain receptors. One may not realize how hard they have been hit on the head or other body parts. It is crucial to meet a specialist as soon as possible, even if you feel ok.

Some injuries show up instantly, such as broken wrist, dislocation of the shoulder, etc. Others may take a few days or even weeks to show symptoms. For instance, whiplash, headaches, head injuries, and back pain take time. You may feel ok immediately after the accident, but in a few days, the situation becomes worse.

It is vital to find a doctor who specializes in the treatment of car accident injuries. Look for a medical clinic that offers the services of specialists experienced in treating car accident injuries, neurologists, chiropractors, spine doctors, and orthopedists to get the best care.

It is a kind of brain "trauma" (external physical force) that may lead to intracranial infection, hematoma, brain swelling/edema, cerebral vasospasm, epilepsy, increased intracranial pressure, or coma. These injuries are usually a result of recreational accidents, motor vehicle crashes, and slips and falls. The injury may cause trouble communicating, inability to concentrate, short-term memory loss, disorientation, and/or impaired judgment.

It is a common term used to describe injuries of soft tissues in the head, neck, and shoulders. The condition is caused by the snapping motion related to car accidents. These injuries do not include fractured bones, but they can still be severe. Medical professionals diagnose whiplash injuries as "sprains" or "strains" initially as no visible symptoms are detected (only mild soreness or stiffness in the neck or shoulders). However, the pain gets severe over time and turns into "chronic" pain, herniated cervical discs, annular tears, or conditions requiring surgery.

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