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Larkin Community Hospital Participará en la Iniciativa Del Centro Nacional De Atención Traumatológica Informada
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South Miami, Florida, 24 de Marzo del 2014 - - Larkin Community Hospital (LCH), uno de los 12 hospitales docentes legales designados en la Florida y el hospital de enseñanza para médicos osteópatas en los Estados Unidos que ofrece el mayor número de programas de formación, es una de las cinco organizaciones ...


Larkin Community Hospital to Participate in Center for Trauma-Informed Care Initiative
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South Miami, Florida, March 24, 2014 - - Larkin Community Hospital (LCH), one of Florida’s twelve statutory teaching hospitals and the largest osteopathic teaching hospital in the nation, has been selected as one of five organizations nation-wide to participate in the National Center for Trauma-Informed Care (NCTIC) initiative sponsored by the Substance ...