Anger Management

Everything You Need To Know About Anger Management

Symptoms, Causes and Treatment


Anger management is a therapy that teaches patients how to manage their anger and deal with stress. Anger management helps control anger by identifying triggers, releasing pent-up feelings, and taking responsibility for your actions or words that cause anger. Patients also learn appropriate times and methods for controlling their rage.

Anger is an emotion that is experienced in an energetic state. Various events, from minor annoyances to major traumas, can trigger anger. Various emotions are associated with anger, including sadness, fear, pain, anxiety, and guilt. It is often the catalyst for violence and aggression.

How It Works

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion. It is a mechanism of response to pain, frustration, or injustice. However, too much anger can be a problem. When anger gets out of control, it can lead to physical violence, road rage, and murder.

Whether you are angry about something that happened yesterday or something that happened decades ago, here are some ways to manage your anger:

1. Express your feelings in a healthy way

Anger comes from hurt and pain. If you have been hurt by someone or something, healthily express your feelings and tell the person how they made you feel bad. Ask yourself whether it is necessary to keep holding on to that feeling.

Calmly explain your feelings. After you give your initial rage time to subside, communicate your emotions. Saying things like, "I feel frustrated and angry about this situation," can communicate what you need the other person to know without hurting anyone.

2. Release your anger through exercise

Exercising releases endorphins into your system, giving you the energy to deal with whatever situation is bothering you. When people get angry, they tend to want to run away from the situation instead of dealing with it head-on. Exercise helps release endorphins into your body, giving you the strength and courage needed to face any obstacle that may come before you during this time.

Additional Helpful Tips to Control Anger:

  • Think before you speak
  • Once you're calm, express your concerns
  • Get some exercise
  • Take a timeout
  • Identify triggers and possible solutions
  • Don't hold a grudge
  • Use humor to release tension
  • Practice relaxation skills
  • Know when to seek help

Conditions and Symptoms Treated

Anger is a natural emotion that can be good or bad, depending on the situation. There are two types of anger: reactive and persistent.

  • Reactive anger is short-lived, like a flash fire that burns out quickly.
  • Persistent anger is chronic and therefore lasts long, like a forest fire that can burn for years.

Anger feels different for everyone. You might experience some of the things listed below:

  • Churning feeling in your stomach
  • Tightness in your chest
  • Increased and rapid heartbeat
  • Legs go weak
  • Tense muscles
  • Heat intolerance
  • Urge to have a bowel movement
  • Sweating
  • Pounding head
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling tense, nervous
  • Feeling guilty
  • Feeling resentful towards other people or situations
  • Easily irritated

Success Rate and Results

Anger management is an integral part of life. It helps us to deal with anger in healthy ways and also helps us to cope with stressful situations. Successful anger management programs at Larkin help people learn how to express their anger constructively.

The success rate of anger management programs is exceptionally high. This is because some people who have suffered from severe anger issues for many years find it hard to overcome their uncontrolled anger alone. They believe they benefit highly from our support and help with anger management therapy programs.


Anger is an emotion that occurs when you feel threatened or harmed. It is a natural response to the current situation. Anger can be helpful and adaptive in some situations, like when harnessed in the service of survival. However, it can be extremely harmful if you do not control it. Anger can become costly to others and ourselves when it persists beyond a certain point.

Anger management strategies are used by people with emotional disorders and those who are merely trying to cope with their anger. Anger management is about learning how to deal with anger in healthy ways, so it does not get out of control. It might not seem like anything is wrong with being angry sometimes, but if you let anger take over, you could have problems in the future.

Benefits of Undergoing Anger Management Therapy

Anger is an emotion we all experience at some point in our lives. Anger management therapy can be an essential tool for managing altered emotions, which will help to make better decisions.

The benefits of anger management include:

  • Improved communication skills: Anger management skills allow you to express your true feelings without being judged, thus improving communication between you and others.
  • Improved self-esteem: With anger management skills, you become more confident and gain a sense of self-worth. This makes it easier to deal with situations that may cause anger in the first place.
  • Better decision making: When angry, people are likely to make rash decisions without considering the possible consequences. This is why learning to regulate our emotions when they get out of control is crucial. If you have ever argued with someone and regretted it later, you know how powerful anger can be!
  • Increased productivity: Anger management skills help increase productivity and reduce anxiety by helping many individuals, especially front-line employees, to handle stressful situations calmly and efficiently.

Risks of this Treatment

Anger Management is a cognitive therapy that many individuals may benefit from. It can be helpful in many ways, including how it affects relationships with others and how you handle yourself in stressful situations. Anger management can help to reduce stress, increase self-confidence and improve relationships with others.

Anger management can be complex because sometimes there is no easy way to deal with anger. It may be hard to control your words and actions when angry, especially when you feel the situation is unfair or unjust. However, learning how to manage your emotion effectively will make dealing with difficult situations much easier for you in the future.

Before, During, and After the Therapy

Before: The first step to controlling anger is admitting that you have a problem. Anger management should start with a diagnosis of the problem and treatment options. The patient must be honest about his or her anger problems. This will help determine which treatment option best suits him or her. Acknowledging is the first step. Knowing the problem exists allows us to accept what has happened, try to understand it, and continue to fight against it. Therapy aims to help people deal with their anger in productive ways. If a person has yet to learn this skill before seeing a therapist, he or she will gain this knowledge during therapy.

During: During treatment, patients should be encouraged to talk about their feelings when they get angry and what triggers these feelings. They should also be taught how to control their emotions when they feel angry without hurting themselves and those close to them, such as family members or friends affected by the patient's actions at times of frustration. Once you have identified these triggers and why they make you angry, the therapist will teach you skills that can help you manage your anger and avoid acting on it.

After: After therapy, the person may still experience some anger from time to time. However, he or she will be able to recognize these triggers more efficiently and be better equipped to handle them effectively when they arise. Anger management is a significant problem over which the patient has complete control.

Why Choose Our Physicians?

Larkin Health System Physicians are all board-certified specialists in their fields. They have spent years training to become the best in their field and are committed to staying up-to-date on new medical advances. Our physicians are highly trained and experienced in the field of anger management. They are experts and have a wealth of knowledge on how to treat patients with anger issues effectively. Our physicians can help you manage anger, reduce the risk of violence, and improve your daily relationships with others.

Larkin mental health physicians are experts at counseling patients and helping them develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress, anger, or other emotions that can lead to physical health problems. We work closely with each patient to customize a plan of care based on his or her unique needs and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it is safe for you to try Anger Management treatment. It is also safe for you to undergo this kind of treatment if you are not currently experiencing any emotional or mental health issues.

Anger Management therapy can vary greatly depending on the person undergoing them and their motives for seeking help. Some clients only require a few days, while others require six months or more before they feel like themselves again.

The short answer is no unless you have a life-threatening medical condition that requires immediate hospitalization. In most cases, people with psychological problems can be treated at home.

It depends on the severity of your problem and what kind of treatment you decide to opt for. A few sessions with a psychologist or psychiatrist may not be enough, especially if you have a long history of depression or other mental health issues. In this case, more intensive treatment, such as group therapy or therapy by phone, may be needed.

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