Tag archives: residency-program

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Larkin Community Hospital recibe aprobación para nuevo programa de residencia médica en Anestesiología y Radiología Diagnóstica.
Written on in Medical Education, News.

La aprobación por parte del Consejo de Acreditación para la Educación Médica de Posgrado

otorgó a ambos programas la acreditación inicial.

  Miami, Florida, 1 de febrero de 2017—El Consejo de Acreditación para la Educación Médica de Posgrado (ACGME) y Larkin Community Hospital (LCH) anunciaron recientemente la acreditación inicial de dos programas de residencia en ...


AOCPMR Mid-Year Meeting and Scientific Seminar
Written on in Awards and Certifications, Scientific Seminar.

The American Osteopathic College of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AOCPMR) Mid-Year Meeting and Scientific Seminar took place in Atlantic City, New Jersey, between April 3 – 6, 2014 at the Revel Casino and Resort. Larkin Community Hospital’s PM&R Residency program had one of the largest turnouts, with 10 residents in attendance, along with their Program ...